Monday, July 16, 2012

Potty Training: A Year Later

As the Fourth of July passed I realised it had been a year since I started the potty training journey.  Lots has happened in one year and I can say with confidence that he is fully potty trained.  He has the errant accident but our dry days largely outnumber the wet undies.  He sleeps in underwear and I've had less than a handful of night accidents.

So all is great, right?  Gotta love this diaper free life like everyone said I would... NOT!

I guess I'm lazy and I an admit that.  I hate him being potty trained.  While he knows to go and all that jazz he is not fully self sufficient in the bathroom.  For whatever reason he still feels the need to come tell me every single time he has to go.  So I tell him to go and he makes a big deal over the light being turned off.. IN BROAD DAYLIGHT.  Then he will go and sometimes miss and pee his pants and underpants while he is sitting.  Or the wall.  Yes, he has hosed down my wall while sitting.  And all I can think is thank goodness I didn't think about standing because then I'd be on my hands and knees scrubbing the back of the toilet daily!  I already have to spray the toilet daily with the clorox spray, and several times a day when we are home all day.  My bathroom always smells like the alleys in downtown LA.  He must miss more than I am aware off.  He still cannot (or refuses to) pull his underpants and bottoms up on his own.  So he hops down the hallway with them still around his ankles for me to pull up.  Which is fine.  Except on weekend mornings when he gets up to pee at 6am.  With a diaper he'd just wait until I was up to change him, I got to sleep in!

It has happened that we get ready to go out and I tell him to go pee before we leave and he ends up wetting his clothes and shoes.  It has also happened that I tell him to go before we leave, he refuses to go, I force him in there and pull his pants down and everything, he sits and nothing, and we will be on the bus when he says he has to go.  Really?!

Public bathrooms suck!  We are on the bus so I have no choice, he either uses it before we head home or risk arriving with a wet child.  They are too big and because he sits (to save my sanity from scrubbing behind our toilet at home) it is a big ordeal.  I usually have to remove this pants and underpants which often requires removal of shoes as well so he can sit with enough confidence to pee.  And this is if I can get a handicap stall.  If I have to use a regular stall then I need to do all this with the door open because we simply do not fit.  Then I have to step outside the stall and wait for him to finish to go back in there and help dress him.  All this while I watch three moms in a row change diapers on the changing table a few feet away from me.

It's also much more embarrassing to pull out a pair of little boy underwear out of your purse when you are in search for something than a diaper.  The looks, they scream 'FREAK!'

I miss our diaper bonding time.  It was when we talked and babbled and he entrusted me with his whole being to keep him clean and dry.  I miss that look of total trust in his eyes.

I miss diapers.

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