“Dear Niece” is a series of blog entries that I have written to my niece who is a new mommy. I started when she was pregnant and wanted to tell her all the things I wish I had been told. Then I thought, “wouldn’t it be great if I could share my thoughts on this stuff with everyone in case it may help another new mom?” So I decided to do them as blog entries addressed to her. I may or may not continue these but they are all here, in one spot, in case you want my personal advice and opinions on parenting.
These all have a sarcastic undertone to them because that is simply the way I am and the way my family knows me. I am fully aware am I one of billions of mothers, that my opinions and advice are mine alone and I do not seriously believe my advice is "the best" or "the only" out there. These were written for my niece, from me as her aunt and the tone reflects our relationship. Anyone else is certainly free to take it or leave it and I will not feel insulted either way. Like the rest of my blog, all opinions are simply that, opinions, and not fact.
Dear Niece: Everything You Will Absolutely Need For Your Baby
My list of what one truly needs for a baby. No frills, no cutesy items, no overpriced or one time use items.
Dear Niece: The Only List You Need of What To Pack To The Hospital
I packed for the hospital but ended up needing so much more and not touching some stuff. Here is my personal list.
Dear Niece: Parenting Advice, Because I Haven't Given You Mine
My personal list of parenting advice I wish I had when I first took baby home. Comes from experience.
Dear Niece: What To Do One Baby Is In Your Arms
In case you're confused as to what to do. Priorities!!
Dear Niece: Keeping Memories, Pt. 1
Baby books and the such.
Dear Niece: Keeping Memories, Pt. 2
What stuff to keep.
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