WOW! He is SEVEN years old and I am in disbelief! It just doesn't feel like it has really been that many years. He is now more than half my size and that still amazes me every time I notice. Granted, I'm short so that's not very tall and he is still the shortest first grader in his school. But still, DUDE! Pretty soon he'll be my size, and that's not an exaggeration. I am happy I have a growing child, my wallet is begging him to slow his growing.
On his birthday we went to Disneyland and we stayed late so that he could watch the fireworks. He is now tall enough for a lot of the larger rides and he enjoys those. On Sunday we had cake and pizza with grandma and parents. This coming Saturday he will have his birthday party at his aunt's and finish off his birthday month celebration with Thanksgiving.
His 6th year was packed with all sorts of experiences and new things and changes. Not all were good. We have learned a lot this past year and grown a lot:

Behaviourally: This area could use some improvement but we're working on it. Most of his behaviours are autism related so I'm not overly concerned with it, we just have to keep working on it. He does have a hitting problem at school and that is currently our biggest concern and what we are focusing on. He has his quirks and we do get frustrated but it could be so much worse. I keep having to remind myself of that. His teacher has a four colour system which seems to work so we have adopted that starting this week so there are new home rules and procedures which we told him were happening because he was seven and older now. He responded really well to the Melissa & Doug calendar we got last year so we got their chore chart to work on these behaviour issues. We'll see how this goes.

Nicholas has a sensory disorder that affects his behaviour. The teacher has found some things that helps him with his sensory issues in the classroom, including a chew toy! I had no idea they made chew toys for children but after seeing what he uses in class we looked online and there they were, chew toys specifically made for children that must be constantly chewing on things. We will definitely be using some of those things at home too.

My goals for Nicholas this year are for him to continue making progress academically, get him some help with his anxiety and sensory disorder, and to see improvements in his behaviour. I hope I am not asking too much of him, he has a lot on his plate to deal with.
My goal for myself in regards to Nicholas is to focus on the positive a lot more. I tend to only see what needs to be fixed, what we need to work on, and I don't give any credit to what he can do and what he has achieved. With that in mind I have started a second blog called Daily Nicholas in which I will be posting a picture every day about something good or positive with Nicholas. I am hoping this will help me focus on the positive and give me something to think about when I am frustrated.
Every year I get sad at "losing" the child I had for an older one and that is definitely not looking at the positive. So this year I am calling him my upgrade. He is my November 2007 child on it's 7th upgrade of my specific model called Nicholas: NOV07 7.0 - "Nicholas." I hope to post more often about my little model and the new abilities and features he comes with.
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