Friday, November 20, 2015

Dear Niece: What To Do Once Your Baby Is In Your Arms

Dear Niece,

Now that you finally have that baby in your arms and have taken in the sight of his precious face, make sure you take a sniff and enjoy that new baby smell.  Seriously, hold him close to your nose and take a deep, long breath of baby!

Monday, November 16, 2015


I know I’m two weeks late, but life is too busy to spend time in front of a computer typing.  This is good, we are spending more time together!  But it’s also not so good, leisure time to do stuff is rare.

Anyway, Nicholas is 8 years old now.  I guess it’s important to compare how he is today to how he was a year ago.  What has happened in a year?  A lot.  He has physically grown, which is always a plus medically but a bit sad personally.  He no longer fits nicely in my arms though we still try quite often.