Most people don't know Nicholas is a Rainbow Baby. I was young and in school when I was pregnant with him and I have always been seen as the "good girl" so most people can't imagine me getting pregnant before Nicholas. No one knew about my first other than one of my roommates and her boyfriend, who drove me to the hospital that frightening night. But before Nicholas there was another that didn't make it. So when I found out I was pregnant with Nicholas I wanted to keep it quiet until after that first uncertain trimester. But as fate would have it there were issues from the beginning and at about 6 weeks I was told he had a "marker" for down syndrome. I felt I had to prepare my family for this "tragic" posibility*. That marker, and a new one, were present at a second ultrasound at 12 weeks. Two separate screening blood tests confirmed it. Fortunately, they were all wrong and Nicholas does not have down syndrome.
Rewind about two years before the year I was pregnant with Nicholas, back to 2005. I made a trip up to Hollywood, like I did every so often, and went by the Pantegeous Theatre. Wicked was playing and I remember seeing the signs in front of the theatre and wishing to be able to see it some day. As a full time student I did not have the money for a ticket but someday! I checked out the CD from my university library and copied it on to my computer and fell in love.